#TableauNext | 2023

Adam Mico
17 min readJan 29, 2023

55 Next-Gen Stars of the #DataFam Data Visualization Community

Credits: Mohammad Alizade on Unsplash (background image, edited) and the #TableauNext2023 cohort with a bit of inspiration from Lindsay Betzendal’s new custom icons

#TableauNext 2023 Cohort… By the numbers

55 People | 22 Countries | 5 Continents

#TableauNext celebrates newer community members or more veteran members who have ramped up their content. These members have a solid future potential to be recognized by Tableau as an employee, Ambassador or Visionary. They share visualizations on Tableau Public, participate in the community, blog, and so much more. Hundreds could have been added, and thousands of people publicly performed some form of Tableau work. Based on community nominations, being on this list relates to the massive impact the 2023 cohort has made.

I launched this annual initiative last year because our newer members, although yet to be officially recognized (yet) by Tableau, are the future of our community and data visualization in general. They represent global growth, diversity, innovation, and leadership.

Last year, many people featured in 2022's #TableauNext continued to ‘pay it forward’ and became ambassadors, work for Tableau, launched significant community initiatives, an IronViz Champion, and one even became an #IronViz finalist for 2023! I would be surprised if multiple people don’t become Tableau Visionaries when the next cohort is released. It was an honor to have the vehicle to give these talented contributors a grand stage — although 2022's cohort is a tough act to follow, I expect the 2023 cohort is up to the challenge.

At the end of this article, please see the work inspired by this incredible cohort!


  • Nominators could share why the person deserved to be considered in this Tableau's Next cohort, some of which have been added to their nominee’s listing. Many nominators wished to be anonymous when sharing thoughts or nominees for #TableauNext and will be represented as anonymous.
  • There were over 75 nominations from more than 50 people. However, a few people were disqualified because Tableau had already recognized them as an Ambassador or a Visionary, and some on this list were nominated multiple times.

2023 Tableau's Next Cohort

displayed alphabetically by 1st name

Abdullah Shafi | United Arab Emirates

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Abdullah's Tableau Public portfolio

He has been killing it lately with attempting #WOW Workout Wednesday challenges, and has been participating in various projects and skilling up.

submitted by Shaheen Arshiya

Abhinav Kishore R | India

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Abhinav's Tableau Public portfolio

Abhinav’s work is impressive and he should be among the Featured Authors for sure. His Tableau public profile speaks for itself and definitely deserves a seat among the #TableauNext.

submitted by Prasann Prem

Agata Mezynska | Poland

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Agata's Tableau Public portfolio

Ajay Varghese | India

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Ajay's Tableau Public portfolio

Ajay has an eye for detail and has an impressive Tableau public profile. He is a Tableau Public Featured Author and definitely deserves to be a Public Ambassador.

submitted by Prasann Prem

Alain Ponroy | France

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Alain's Tableau Public portfolio

Alison Pitt | USA

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a sample of Alison's Tableau Public portfolio

Alison has a great portfolio of well-designed and thought-out visualizations.

submitted by Anonymous

Amy Wu | USA

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a sample of Amy's Tableau Public portfolio

Ann Pregler | USA

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

Ann's Tableau Public portfolio to date

Ann’s Iron Viz dashboard had me, a very intriguing narrative and a great piece of work — one to watch!

submitted by Anonymous

Ashwin Shankar | Denmark

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Ashwin's Tableau Public portfolio

Bill Chen | Taiwan

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Bill's Tableau Public portfolio

Bill is one of the admins of the Taiwan TUG. He has been answering many questions from the Taiwanese users in their Facebook group page. He has given several very informative presentations in Taiwan regarding dataviz and Tableau’s power in visual analytics. He is a 2022 featured author and a VOTD creator. He also published a book on using Tableau to create various chart types (written in Chinese).

submitted by Kevin Wee

Candice Che | Not Disclosed

Tableau Public | Twitter

Candice's Tableau Public portfolio to date

Caroline Swiger | USA

Tableau Public | Twitter

a sample of Caroline's Tableau Public portfolio

Caroline is a positive, creative individual who lifts up others in the datafam while producing engaging dashboards and staying consistent with Workout Wednesday.

submitted by Jessica Moon

Charlotte R-H. Ku | USA

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Charlotte's Tableau Public portfolio

Chris Meardon | England

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Chris' Tableau Public portfolio

Chris is a master of the tool and a fantastic teacher. He has always been a huge support to Tableau users within our company. Recently he’s shared a number of projects with the community, aiming to make things easily available and accessible to those wishing to try out some new, fun things.

submitted by Erica Hughes

Chris Westlake | Scotland

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Chris' Tableau Public portfolio

His public vizzes are awesome and becoming better and better. He should have more followers than he has right now.

submitted by Nir Smigla

Dorian Banutoiu | Romania

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Dorian's Tableau Public portfolio

Elaine Yuan | USA

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Elaine's Tableau Public portfolio

Elaine has been tweeting and blogging extensively since the start of her training with cohort 2 of The Data School New York. She is already producing great content, written in a clear and accessible style that discusses both technical aspects of data analytics and cultural aspects. Her passion for data analytics is obvious and she is clearly someone who is engaged with lifting up people throughout the community of data viz beginners. I expect great things to come from Elaine.

submitted by Collin Smith

Gbolahan Adebayo | Not Disclosed

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Gbolahan's Tableau Public portfolio

Gbolahan has made incredible strides since posting his first Tableau Public viz less than a year ago (May 2022). His analysis skills are top-notch and his designs are gorgeous, especially recently. He’s actively involved with the DataFam on Twitter and also engages regularly with the Tableau folks on the Data Visualization Society Slack, always asking questions and looking for new ways to improve.

submitted by Nicole Mark

George Koursaros | Switzerland

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of George's Tableau Public portfolio

George is such a great data analyst and scientist ! I had the pleasure and the honor to work with him on a very complicated scientific project about FIP (a cat disease) and it’s blackmarket cure. He rendered the data so easy to understand for FIP cat owners, veterinarians and the pharmaceutical industry ; and this with amazing designs. He also volunteered to participate in this project, and worked for free for this « good cause ». I was very impressed to discover the rest of his work too. He is basically using data to create stories, and make his dashboards easy to access and use. As a veterinary student who as no knowledge about data science, I was able to understand this field better through his work. He definitely deserves more recognition that what he gets :)

submitted by Linnéa Garrido-Andersson

Harim Jung | Canada

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Harim's Tableau Public portfolio

Hiroaki Morita | Japan



He is active in various Japanese user groups. He is always overwhelmed by the wealth of Tableau skills and knowledge he has developed over the years.

submitted by Mika Fukuda (with the English translation)

Iris van Bussel | Belgium

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Iris' Tableau Public portfolio

Jack Hineman | USA

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a sample of Jack's Tableau Public portfolio

Kavin Kumar G | India

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Kavin's Tableau Public portfolio

Ken Choi | USA

Tableau Public | LinkedIn

a sample of Ken's Tableau Public portfolio

Ken is a past Tableau Featured Author and a frequent participant of datafam challenges such as VFSG, B2VB, and MoM. He has presented in two VFSG viz sharing sessions and his works have been well-received.

submitted by Kevin Wee

Kim Tricker | USA

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Kim's Tableau Public portfolio

Krtistina Sementkovskaia | Czech Republic

Tableau Public | Twitter

a sample of Kristina's Tableau Public portfolio

Larissa Kostiw | England

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Larissa's Tableau Public portfolio

Li-Lun Tu | USA

Tableau Public | LinkedIn

a sample of Li-Lun's Tableau Public Portfolio

Li-Lun has been active on sharing his feedback on various Tableau functionality and materials (e.g., books) via LinkedIn. He also participated in challenges such as B2VB. He was invited to speak at the Chinese-speaking TUG recently and the video was recorded on BiliBili (Chinese version of YouTube).

submitted by Kevin Wee

Lilla Rasztik | Netherlands

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a sample of Lilla's Tableau Public portfolio

Luigi Cicciari | USA

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Luigi's Tableau Public portfolio

Maddie Dierkes | USA

Tableau Public

a visualization from Maddie's Tableau Public portfolio

Maddie is one of the most talented and humble Tableau Engineers I have ever met. The work she produces is world class. Beyond her talent as a Tableau Engineer she volunteers her time to local organizations that are helping underprivileged kids become more data literate. She has recorded master classes for PrepKC (one of these organizations) and spoken in person at several schools throughout Kansas City.

submitted by Ethan Lang

Maha Hussari | England

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Maha's Tableau Public portfolio

Maha started a Tableau focused YouTube channel in order to share tips & tricks and share what she’s learning with the community — one of her videos was featured in the Datafam Round-up Oct 10–14.

submitted by Erica Hughes

Maxime Baux | France

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Maxime's Tableau Public portfolio

Megan Menth | USA

Tableau Public | LinkedIn

Megan's Tableau Public portfolio thru January 2023

Megan is a beast at tableau. She’s low-key creating strong content and has skills that must be highlighted:

· https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/megan.menth

· https://www.phdata.io/blog/how-to-fine-tune-your-data-for-tableau/

· https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmPl_eJen-s&ab_channel=Tableau

submitted by Annonymous

Michael Fisayo | Nigeria

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Michael's Tableau Public Gallery

I love his work and his dedication to be better.

submitted by Anonymous

Muhammad Azhar | Pakistan

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Muhammad's Tableau Public portfolio

Muhammed has been producing creative, high quailty Tableau Public work with a unique perspective consistently over the past year. I first noticed his excellent submissions to Back to Viz Basics, but he also completed the 30 day map challenge and has submitted to other datafam initiatives. His consistency and commitment to improvement is inspiring, and he’s recently started teaching Tableau as well. His voice is a valuable part of the Twitter datafam community and I expect great things from him in the future.

submitted by Elisa Davis

Nick Pillsbury | USA

Tableau Public | Twitter

a sample of Nick's Tableau Public portfolio

Nick has been participating in many different projects across the community experimenting with new visualization and layouts.

submitted by Anonymous

Norbert Borbás | Germany

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Norbert's Tableau Public portfolio

Pawan Sachdeva | India

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Pawan's Tableau Public portfolio

Pooja Srivastava | Undisclosed

Tableau Public | Twitter

a sample of Pooja's Tableau Public portfolio

Quinn Serfass | USA

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Quinn's Tableau Public portfolio

Quinn has been producing some beautiful visualizations on Tableau Public, including a submission to the most recent Iron Viz qualifying round which already has 25 favorites and over 800 views. His design skills clearly show a deep and developing aptitude for the product and he elevates other people’s work in the community on his social media.

submitted by Collin Smith

Ravi Kumar N | India

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Ravi's Tableau Public portfolio

Ravi has done a fabulous job in building vizzes and needs recognition for his contribution.

submitted by Prasann Prem

Ray Givler | USA

Tableau Public | LinkedIn

a sample of Ray's Tableau Public portfolio

✔ He has over 100 vizzes on his public profile including Star Wars Quotes (2022 Iron Viz), Better First Dashboard, Super Slicer, Benchmarker, NBA Free Throw Gap (to Goal), Decision-Making is a Game of Thrones, Shared Olympic Medals, I Know Tableau (nod to The Matrix opening credits), NBA Stat Comparator, Sand through an Hourglass, and more.

✔ Content — he has been posting about Tableau and Analytics on LinkedIn since the beginning of the pandemic on a nearly daily basis, reaching 1000s of developers worldwide.

✔ His 2022 Speaking Events Included:
◼ November 2022 — Milwaukee TUG — Super Slicer (parameters for dynamic views)
◼ November 2022 — Cambrian College, Sudbury, Ontario — Analytics Experts Series — Pitfalls of Analytics
◼ Oct 2022 — Analytics TUG — Benchmarker (sets)
◼ Oct 2022 — Florida TUG — My Iron Viz Journey
◼ Sep 2022 — Buffalo State Data Science and Analytics Seminar Series
◼ Aug 2022 — Pittsburgh TUG — My Iron Viz Journey
◼ May 2022 — Milwaukee TUG — Benchmarker (sets)
◼ Mar 2022 — Baruch College, New York City — data visualization
◼ Feb 2022 — King’s College, London — data visualization

submitted by Karan Ambasht

Rebecca Finlay | Not Disclosed

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Rebecca's Tableau Public Portfolio

Rebecca put together my favorite Monopoly viz for the #GamesNightViz project and has shown great progress in developing her data viz skills with the support of Tableau community projects.

submitted by Anonymous

Ryan Soares | Canada

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Ryan's Tableau Public portfolio

I’ve followed Ryan since he was in college. He has been part of the Tableau community since 2018 and has authored over 100 vizzes. Ryan consistently produces some of the coolest and most creative sports vizzes on Tableau Public. He extremely talented and I always look forward to seeing what he’ll do next.

submitted by Patrick Sarsfield

Sadia Ahmed | United Arab Emirates

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Sadia's Tableau Public Portfolio

She has been very keen to learn Tableau, and managed to create a diverse portfolio while learning on her own and seeking help from the community.

submitted by Shaheen Arshiya

Sam Batchelor | Australia

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

Sam's Tableau Public portfolio as of January 2023

Sandeep Gundeboina | India

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Sandeep's Tableau Public portfolio

His work is great and educational!

submitted by Rahul

Sedale McCall | USA

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Sedale's Tableau Public portfolio

Shreya Arya | England

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

Tedy Iskandar | Indonesia

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Tedy's Tableau Public portfolio

Tedy has a unique style to his vizzes. He mainly focuses on maps in a desktop layout that is effective and insightful. He has been on a roll recently, his viz (Fishing Spot in Indonesia) just got featured as VizOfTheDay, and even the next viz he made after that is also worthy of getting featured. His vizzes are usually centered around Indonesia, where he’s from, which is a rare and interesting sight on Tableau Public.

submitted by Anonymous

Varun Jain | India

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Varun's Tableau Public portfolio

Varun is the 2022 Tableau Featured Author with good talent. Two of his vizzes have been chosen as the Viz of the Day. His vizzes are creative, clear good-looking, user friendly. He has been active on his social media platform in sharing the Tableau vizzes of others and his own.

submitted by Kevin Wee

Viraj B. | India

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Viraj's Tableau Public portfolio

Viraj’s tireless enthusiasm for data, Tableau and our community is contagious (the good kind of contagious!). Viraj is active on social, contributes on the Tableau forums, and supports new Tableau users via involvement / amplification of the Newbies TUG.

submitted by Steve Wood

Zsofia Nika | Hungary

Tableau Public | Twitter | LinkedIn

a sample of Zsofia's Tableau Public portfolio

Zsofia’s Tableau Public Profile proves the rule that quality trumps quantity. You can see her growth over just ten vizzes, and her recent Viz of the Day, “Paid Vacation Days Around the World” is visually beautiful and fun to explore. Zsofia actively engages with the DataFam on Twitter and is an active participant in MakeoverMonday and B2VB.

submitted by Nicole Mark

After the blog post, Samuel Epley, a lead solution engineer with Tableau and part of the inaugural #TableauNext cohort, created this fantastic visualization to celebrate this 2nd cohort. Please select the image to access the interactive visual.

Twitter | LinkedIn | Tableau Public

Note: My book, Tableau Desktop Certification, is available for pre-order here.

Adam Mico
Adam Mico

Written by Adam Mico

Data Visualization, Strategy, GenAI, & Enablement Leader | Advisory Board Member | Tableau Visionary + Ambassador | Views are my own

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